Plot Summaries

Nicknames and Abbreviations

Noticeboard for contacting ex-pats etc. about tape exchanges of The Archers

umra cookbook umrat's homepages

News of the Nun

The Beltinge Bag Puss Window

The Fabulous Umra Page

Borsetshire Families database

u.m.r.a. geek code Archers Family Tree

Cast List since 1996

Peter Hesketh's Chronology of The Archers

Charles Hankel's History of the Archers

BBC Archers Timeline

map of Ambridge and residents list

1975 and 1980 Ambridge maps 1994 aerial view


British Forces broadcasting Radio 2 listings

Lynda Snell Society including B.T.A.s

umra pics index umra ascii art

u.m.r.a. itself

Archers Addicts
includes plot summaries

BBC Archers website
now with Listen Again - hear the programme up to seven days after broadcast or download the podcast for anytime listening

  When is "The Archers" next broadcast?  
(note that broadcast times are current London times)

Archers Anarchists

Tim Bentinck's home page
(Deeavid's alter ego)

References to TA found on the net

South Borsetshire Hunt

updated 30 December 2007

If you know of any other Archers/umra related sites or have any problems with this page, please mail me at